Category: Technology


Why to use online Gantt chart maker?

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In order to execute a project successfully the software like Gantt chart maker, timeline maker may be needed for the team. While considering such software, the …


Why Slack is the app to adopt in business (or not)

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The Slack phenomenon has captured the hearts of millions of users. How exactly does this “cool” communication app kill the email? Is she really worth it? …


Why Choose Filelinked for Downloading and Installing APK apps

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If you have ever tried downloading and install multiple files and APKs simultaneously but failed because you didn’t have the right multi-downloader too, you know how …


Buying YouTube Subscribers and Likes – An overview

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Who does not want to be popular these days? This holds good for a college going student, a budding artist, a talented individual, a fitness freak, …


Virtualization software Review for CHS and VPS

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Virtualization software is mostly used by both Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and container hosting solution (CHS) to partition and allocate hardware resource in the cloud network. …


The High Values Of Machine Learning Programs

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Businesses are always in a continuous search for things on improving them. One of these is through having the right machine learning software. So what are …


Reasons to use an Instagram Bot

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With the passage of time, technology is growing very fast and social media plays an important role in people’s life. Instagram is one of the most …


How Helpful Social Media Bot Are In Marketing

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Social media today is within the whole world. Everyone is joining and experiencing the perks of different social media platform. This could be a way to …


The properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes are truly exciting!

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Nanotubes are a new name for carbon allotropes in modern times; They have a cylindrical nano-size structure. The diameter along the nanotubes varies from 1 to …


Signs You Need to Migrate to the Cloud

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You know about IBM AS400 hosting but you are not sure when is the right time to migrate some if not all of your systems to …