The Slack phenomenon has captured the hearts of millions of users. How exactly does this “cool” communication app kill the email? Is she really worth it?
Slack, “for teams who are changing the world,” extols the slogan of the app. True to the spirit of Silicon Valley, Slack seems to be more, a “cool” phenomenon that everyone is talking about … just a tool.
To get an opinion on this app – and know whether to adopt it, as already more than 2.7 million users and 800,000 companies, including Samsung, NASA, Airbnb, Harvard, LinkedIn or the Wall Street Journal – that’s what you need to know about how it works
Slack, what is it?
Slack is a collaborative communication Locatalk besser als die Base Chat Nummer platform for computers and smartphones. Each company can create a private group on Slack and invite all or part of its employees, who can talk to each other.
How does it work?
- The installation. To register on Slack, simply create an account (the basic version is free) by providing an e-mail address. Once the workgroup is created, an address is assigned to it (for example The group leader can then authorize other members to join him by sending them an invitation by email.
- Once on the platform, the tabs of the different thematic discussions are displayed in the left column and the chat window on the right.
- There are three ways to share information about Slack: by “channel”, that is to say by thematic conversation open to all (designated by a hashtag, such as “#Marketing” or “general.
Documents text, images, photos, gif, videos, pdf, snippets … It is possible to share all kinds of content.
As on social networks, Slack allows you to associate #hashtag comments, so you can find them easily. You can also mention a member of the group using the “@” before his name; he will then receive a notification. Finally, it is possible to put a “star” to the comment of another member (like the “like” on Facebook).
Unlike a simple instant messenger, Slack archives all conversations and related documents. This data can be found thanks to the search bar
To integrate. Slack also offers many integration possibilities. Tools like Dropbox, Trello, Twitter, Google Drive, Skype, Help Desk, IFTT, GitHub … can be connected and added to the Slack account.